Overview of SCARAFLEX

Three key features as pillars


The “Detection Pads” are air-tight, soft pads, which detect any deformity by continuous monitoring of the inner air pressure.

Every pad has its own electronic system, which also generates a slight overpressure in addition to this monitoring. Any deviation from this specific air pressure is detected, which causes the robot to stop – regardless whether this deviation is caused by a collision or surface damage. As a result, the pad is also capable of detecting any damage to the surface.


The “Speed Guard” is a 3-axle sensor system, which reliably and continuously monitors the robot speed. If the speed limit is exceeded, the system triggers the stop. The speed limit is set by the system integrator – after the corresponding “risk assessment” is performed and power/pressure measurements for the entire application.


The “Detection Flange” is a certified component, which constitutes the mechanical interface for a gripper or vacuum cup. It can flexibly deploy in the event of a collision, this movement is detected and reliably triggers the stop. The flange moves back to its precise initial position.

If a finger gripper is used, the integrator is responsible for selecting a secure gripper and performing a risk assessment, which also includes the gripper.

SCARAFLEX combines the best of two worlds
– the precision and stability of the EPSON Scara series with fast yet safe operation of these robots without a fence (AIRSKIN and SpeedGuard technology are safety certified and the patent is pending).

SCARAFLEX offers outstanding value for money
while also giving distributors the possibility of becoming a specialist dealer.

SCARAFLEX is currently the only available product
(from series production) for fenceless Scara applications.

Available from our sales partners.

Contact us as the manufacturer
for all further information!

Certified to

> ISO 13849
> Cat 3 / PLe
> IEC 62061


Contact us for any further questions!